Who is Fjala e Lirë?
Fjala e Lirë - ACPE - Albanian Creative People in Exile.
“Fjala e Lirë” online (www.fjalaelire.com) is part of the magazine Albanian Post that has been on the market since March 2003 (previously with different names until established). Albanian Post is distributed for free to all newsagent shops, travel agents, tour operators, local libraries, recruitment agencies, grocery shops, churches and mosques frequented by Albanians.
Our main goal is to provide our readers with the latest news from the UK as well as relevant information from Albania. We aim to provide relevant advice and information about life in the UK, such as finding a job or accommodation, legal support, family re-unions, UK and EU legislation etc. Albanian Post is highly valued and well-established amongst the Albanian community for its quality of information and entertainment.
“Fjala e Lirë” online (www.fjalaelire.com) promotes Albanian creativity, more widely in the United Kingdom and beyond. Creators and creative specialists have their say in analysis, criticism, and essays. We aim to do our best in promoting creative values.